A Long Journey to...Who Knows!

It's been quite a trip getting from where I was to where I am now.  I've had so many people and things that effected me as a writer today, and I am so thankful and happy to have had them be a part of my life.  Some of my best moments were spent writing.  Some of my worst moments are recorded in writing.  Writing can be such a beautiful way of expressing oneself, and of showing others your experiences in a really unique way.  The beauty of writing is that everyone has an experience they can write about.  It doesn't have to be good writing.  It can be horrible even.  But what if your writing could change your perspective on something?  What if your writing could change other people's perspectives on something?  Your writing can make a difference, and that's something that students need to learn and appreciate.  I look forward to teaching my future students that they can make a difference simply by using their own unique words.         

I do still need a lot of improvement.  I'm still learning.  I'm still testing the waters constantly and trying new things.  I want more experiences to write about, and I know I have to get out into the world in order to find them.  I know that becoming a teacher will probably change how I feel about writing because I will be gaining experience as an educator and not as a student anymore.  I look forward to the changes I'll have in my writing style and am optimistic about flourishing as a writer once I enter into the professional world.  I have so many memories saved within my writing, and I'm excited to save more in the future.  As Jack Dann once said, "For me, writing is exploration; and most of the time, I'm surprised where the journey takes me."

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose."  Writing is a way of documenting that.